Shri R.Ramesh, currently Deputy Registrar of the National Green Tribunal, Southern Zone was working as the Private Secretary in the National Biodiversity Authority under the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change. He has also served in various Ministries and statutory bodies viz., Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Food Processing Industry, Company Law Board, Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Authority and Central Information Commission.
He has 30 years of experience working in the Government of India offices, including his tenure in quasi-judicial bodies.
Born in the year 1966, he is a graduate in Mathematics (Madras University) and law (LL.B. – Delhi University). Being an ardent practitioner of yoga since his school/college days, he has completed Diploma in Yoga and subsequently Masters in Yoga Therapy (TN Physical Education and Sports University) with zeal to pursue research in the possibilities of yogic techniques in solving modern day problems, including the environmental problems. He has been repatriated to his Parent Cadre on 11.03.2021.