Mr. Mohan Tiwari is a Member of Higher Judicial Services (Madhya Pradesh) joined as Registrar, National Green Tribunal (NGT), Bhopal on 11th March, 2013. He did his M.Sc. (Botany), Law Degree in 1989 from the Jiwaji University, Gwalior holding position in the University, Diploma in Human Rights with distinction from National Law Institute University, Bhopal in the year 2011. He also worked as Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bhopal and had an opportunity to adjudicate the case of Bhopal gas Tragedy case (Union of India Vs. Warren Anderson & others) in the year 2010. Before being posted in National Green Tribunal he was posted as Special Judge (Under Prevention and Corruption Act 1988), Chhindwara, M.P. He has been repatriated to his Parent Cadre on 10.07.2015.