Mr Kapil Mehta did his graduation in Science(Maths) Bsc., law LL.B. and Post Graduation in law LL.M. from Vikram University, Ujjain and joined Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service on 06.10.1997. He was promoted to the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level) on 19.12.2011 through Limited Competetive Exam.
Mr Kapil Mehta worked as Additional District and Sessions Judge as well as Officer on Special Duty State Judicial Academy,Jabalpur, MadyaPradesh. Mr Kapil Mehta has worked as Registrar, in Supreme Court of India also.
Mr Kapil Mehta has joined as Registrar General in National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench New Delhi on 6th April, 2019. He has been repatriated to his Parent Cadre on 6th January, 2020.